Safeclean Blog
Back to School!

Back to School!
With the summer holidays nearly to an end (we’re sure we can hear a huge hurrah amongst some of you!), it’s time to get the kids ready and back to school.
The holidays fly by faster and faster as time goes on, you try to cram in as much as you can, your routine is disrupted, with less time to get your household chores completed, all the while trying to get back into your regular routine of work/life/school again.
Here are our top 5 tips for a smooth transition from summertime to school time:
1. Get organised and plan your meals for the week. Use a chalk board in the kitchen so everyone can see, or just a piece of paper up on the fridge
2. Take a few moments on a Sunday to choose outfits for the upcoming week – this may help alleviate early morning battles!
3. Use leftovers from last night’s dinner for lunches. Pack them up the night before to avoid fridge frenzy on school mornings.
(Kids will also be more inclined to eat their lunch if it’s in a fun lunchboxes)
4. Ease yourself back into a routine, start going to bed a little earlier and getting up a little bit earlier so it’s not too much of a culture shock when that alarm goes off at 6am!
5. Try and get as much done of the cleaning as you can at the weekends, the stress of trying to get everything done in the evenings can be all too much when there is homework, cooking and bath time to be done!
Although we won’t be able to cook your dinners for you, Safeclean can help with the unexpected cleaning!
When you’re doing your post-holiday clean up and you realise you’ve got some unexpected stains on your carpet from muddy football boots, some fizzy pop spilt on your cream sofa or sticky ice-cream fingers wiped on your curtains, don’t worry! Give your local technician a call and they can help you getting your furniture good as new again.
These are just a few of the ways we can help you, why not take a look at our full range of services that we offer.