Safeclean Blog
Safeclean award for Commitment to Training 2019

Safeclean award for Commitment to Training 2019
The Safeclean Commitment to Training award is for a franchisee who understands the importance of attending training courses and who made the commitment to attend as many courses as possible.
Since its inception in 1965 the aim for Safeclean has always been to be regarded and known as the “Best of the Best”. One of the ways we can achieve this is for our franchisees to regularly attend new and refresher training courses, and to value the impact it will have on their business as well as the Safeclean brand.
The winner this year is Martin Davenport of Safeclean Sheffield & Wakefield. Over the past 12 months Martin has attended regular training courses and is always interested in new techniques as well as refresher courses. Martin is always willing to learn, listen to new ideas and converse and exchange ideas with other attendees - he also adds value to each course he attends by his interest and input.
Martin has a positive attitude to training and even with his many years’ experience he is still able to learn something new, or refresh parts that may become as he quotes “a distant memory”. It is also useful for him to meet up with fellow franchisees and he always embraces such opportunities with a smile on his face.
With the support of the Network Support team a New Year’s resolution for Martin is to use social media more effectively and put some of the training received into practice.
Martin had absolutely no idea he was in the running for an award and when he won, he told us “if I had any hair it would have probably dropped out with shock!”
Congratulations Martin, keep up the great work!